NEW: 2024 Gartner Market Guide for Consent and Preference Management


Customer Service Portal

Respond to your customers’ consent and preference choices whilst keeping data secure and complying with the rules and regulations around privacy with Cassie’s Customer Service Portal.

Real-time consent data

Update and apply in microseconds

Using our simple yet powerful search function, your operatives can find, view and update customer data: changes are applied across your estate in seconds.

Consent at a granular level

Configure Cassie to your requirements

You choose which fields can be seen and edited by customer service representatives.

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Protect sensitive information

Hide sensitive customer data from unauthorized views with access restriction user rights.

Enriched consent records

A complete audit trail

See the full consent history and legal text that was presented to your customers making customer questions and complaints easier to resolve.

Holistic consent view

Update customer data instantly

Reassure your customers that their PII requests will be actioned in real-time, across all downstream systems.

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Streamline operational efficiencies

Let customer service teams focus on the problems that matter with simplified consent data management in the portal.